Are you an emotional eater?

Published: Fri, 06/10/16

Good morning, hope you are well and looking forward to the weekend.  What are you up to? Will you be watching the football?

My topic today is emotional eating. Can you relate to this?  I know I can.  

Have a good weekend.

Paula xx
Do you think this could be you?

Do you have triggers emotionally that make you run to food?

​This topic comes up regularly in my classes they embark on a healthy eating plan all guns blazing but then something happens and they turn to their crutch be it biscuits, chocolate etc.

​It is amazing how many people seem to be affected in this way...

So what can we do...???

I think that recognising the triggers is really important, what is it that affects you in this way? We go through this in class.  Working out the signs is very important.

​Some people don't eat just to satisfy hunger they turn to it in times of stress, tiredness or as a reward...."I have been really good this week as I was finding I was eating quite a number of sugary snacks so I started to become a detective to understand why and write down when I wanted the chocolate I have been doing this for a couple of months now and it is definitely stress.

Can you relate to this? 

Occasionally that is fine but if it is making you unhappy and overweight then it is time to maybe address it. I realised it was becoming a habit and habits are very hard to break.

​Emotional hunger can't be satisfied with food, many times you will still feel the same way afterwards but on top of that you have the guilt of the food you have had making you feel worse

​Your weight becomes harder to handle and the vicious circle continues...

Have a think about these questions.....

Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed?

Do you eat when you’re not hungry or when you’re full?

Do you eat to feel better (to calm and soothe yourself when you’re sad, mad, bored, anxious, etc.)?

Do you reward yourself with food?

Do you regularly eat until you’ve stuffed yourself?

Does food make you feel safe? Do you feel like food is a friend?

Do you feel powerless or out of control around food?

If you are reading this and thinking yes this is me or maybe you can just identify with some of it?? I am happy to have a chat with you see below.


If you are not sure about KSFL this is a great programme to start with as it is only 5 days.  Maybe you have given up sugar and now want to sort out your diet and nutrition in more detail then this is a great “mini”plan. The 5 day cleanse includes a daily 10 minute workout plus positive affirmations, meal planners & recipes plus motivation.  It’s all online & you can start at any time. There is no set start date you work through the 5 days whenever you are ready. Once you sign up and create a log in you get full access to the daily instructions. As a bonus I will add you to my Facebook Support Group and I will check in with you daily to see how you are doing with the NO SUGAR initiative.
The price for the above is £9.
Click on the link for more details