Keep Fit with Paula/Kick Start Fat Loss

Information regarding fitness, nutrition, health & fat loss tips

Keep Fit with Paula - stress

Published: Fri, 10/23/20

Good morning, I hope you are all okay? How are you all feeling with regard to the news Greater Manchester is now in tier 3? The good news for us is…

Keep Fit with Paula update and mental health

Published: Fri, 10/16/20

Good afternoon, I hope you are all okay? We have finished the second week of classes with myself and it is going really well. I hope you are enjoying…

Keep Fit with Paula weekly update

Published: Mon, 10/12/20

Good afternoon, I hope you are all well. Classes will be going ahead as normal this evening until I hear the latest updates from Boris Johnson. A huge…

National Fitness Day

Published: Wed, 09/23/20

Good morning, Today is National Fitness Day. Join me for 24 hours in my VIP online fitness studio. 2 special offers Try a live class tonight 7 pm BLT…

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